Raimi's newest film, The Gift, continues Raimi's assimilation into the mainstream. The Gift is a relatively anonymous whodunit mystery based on a script by Billy Bob Thornton. The story echoes To Kill a Mockingbird without ever seeming derivative. Annie Wilson (Cate Blanchett) is a fortune teller who works out of her home. She has three sons that she tries to raise on her husband's social security and the "donations" she gets from reading fortune cards. Her husband was killed in an explosion and now she struggles to make ends meet. When a beautiful young woman named Jessica King (Katie Holmes) disappears, the police turn to Annie for help. The local sheriff is quite embarrassed to be asking Annie for assistance (he asks for "no hocus-pocus or carryin' on"), but the missing woman's father (Chelcie Ross) and fiancé (Greg Kinnear) are willing to put their faith in Annie.