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Billy Wilder: About Film Noir an interview by Robert Porfirio (Issue #10: September 2001) Samuel Fuller: About Film Noir an interview by Robert Porfirio and James Ursini (Issue #10: Septebmer 2001) Images of Montreal: Montreal World Film Festival by David Gurevich (Issue #10: September 2001) Turkish Delights: The Istanbul Filmfest by David Gurevich (Issue #10: June 2001) Monster at the Soda Shop: Teenagers and Fifties Horror Films by Cyndy Hendershot (Issue #10: March 2001) Slow Burn Suspense: The Films of Claude Chabrol by Tony McKibbin (Issue #9: December 2000) Roger Corman on Blair Witch Project and Why Mean Streets Would Have Made a Great Blaxpoitation Film -- an interview by Andrew J. Rausch (Issue #9: December 2000) Russian Film: What Was and What Is by David Gurevich (Issue #9: December 2000) The Process of Life in 2001: A Space Odyssey by Greggory Moore (Issue #9: January 2000) Deconstructing Francis: Apocalypse Now and the End of the '70s by Darren Haber (Issue #9: January 2000) New Films From Russia: Small, Humane, Eclectic by David Gurevich (Issue #9: December 99) The Golden Age of Exploitation -- an interview with Felicia Feaster and Bret Wood, authors of Forbidden Fruit, interview by Gary Johnson (Issue #8: July 99) Suburban Hell: An Examination of Suburban Life as Portrayed in The Ice Storm, Mr. & Mrs. Bridge, and Welcome to the Dollhouse by David Ng (Issue #8: May 99) Savages, Swine, & Buffoons: Hollywood's Selected Stereotypical Characterizations of the Japanese, Germans, and Italians in Films Produced During World War II by Ralph R. Donald (Issue #8: May 99) The Director That Time Forgot: The Films and Career of Hal Ashby by James A. Davidson (Issue #8: May 99) Way Out: Remembering a Neglected '60s Television Show by Gary Joseph and Ken Kaffke and (Issue #8: May 99) "Possession, Penetration, and Tarzan Comic Books" by Graham J. Murphy (Issue #7: October 98) "Hercules: Looking Backward--Seeing Now" by Shona Krchnak (Issue #7: October 98) "The Sky is Falling!: Why Are Virtual Worlds So Desolate?" by Mary Flannagan (Issue #7: October 98) "An Interview with Tom Atkins" by Paul M. Riordan (Issue #7: October 98) "Wiring the Kids: The TV Ad Blitz to Get the Internet into Home and School" by Christopher Martin and Bettina Fabos (Issue #7: September 98) "A Master of His Craft: Eli Wallach" an interview by Paul M. Riordan. (Issue #6: June 98) "Systems and Process: The Prison in Cinema" by Dr. Paul Mason. (Issue #6: May 98) "Goosing Mother Goose: The Fairy Tales of Tex Avery" by Gary Morris. (Issue #6: May 98) "Modernity and Mise-en-Scene: Terry Gilliam and Brazil" by Keith James Hamel. (Issue #6: May 98) "Talking with Michael Moore" an interview by Gary Johnson. (Issue #6: March 98) "Black Independent Cinema and The Influence of Neo-realism" by Chris Norton. (Issue #5: December 97) "Rebel Without a Cause as Autobiographical Validation" by Nate McKeen. (Issue #5: December 97) "The Glory of Cary Grant and Other Girlish Delights" by Elizabeth Abele. (Issue #5: November 97) "The Machine-Art of Dziga Vertov and Busby Berkeley" by Nicole Armour. (Issue #5: November 97) "Fiona Apple's 'Criminal' and Video Voyeurism for the '90s" by Mark Zeltner. (Issue #5: October 97) Chris Norton investigates blaxploitation cinema and finds reciprocal co-optation. (Issue #4: July 97) Gary Morris looks at the films of Morris Engel and Ruth Orkin. (Issue #4: July 97) Paul Riordan interviews George C. Scott. (Issue #4: July 97) Iain Morrisson examines the use of close-ups in the French New Wave. (Issue #4: July 97) Greg Wahl looks at the film persona of Clint Eastwood. (Issue #4: July 97) Deb Moore-Henecke finds a new sister in Barbie. (Issue #4: July 97) Christopher Martin and Bettina Fabos examine melodrama in the 1996 Summer Olympics (Issue #3: May 97) Glenn Erickson writes about the newly-discovered complete ending of Robert Aldrich's Kiss Me Deadly. (Issue #3: Apr 97) Robert Baird investigates the "startle effect" in horror cinema. (Issue #3: Mar 97) Elizabeth J. Abele examines Die Hard and finds Roy Rogers. (Issue #3: Mar 97) Mick Sleeper looks at Quentin Tarantino's debt to the French New Wave. (Issue #3: Mar 97) Jim Davidson explores the similarities in the careers of Alfred Hitchcock and Vladimir Nabokov. (Issue #3: Mar 97) Jeri Kurtzleben investigates images of WWII nurses in Movietone Newsreels. (Issue #3: Mar 97) David Gurevich examines contemporary Russian cinema (Issue #2: Jan 97) Michael Schmidt investigates the parlor scene in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (Issue #2: Dec 96) Eddie Muller, the author of Grindhouse, talks about the history of "Adults Only" cinema. An interview by Gary Johnson. (Issue #2: Dec 96) Grant Tracey examines his attraction to Jackie Gleason's The Honeymooners. (Issue #2: Nov 96) Robert Baird explores "Love, Desire, the Image, and the Grave" in Vertigo. (Issue #2: Nov 96) Gary Morris provides an overview of American Independent Narrative Cinema of the '60s. (Issue #2: Nov 96) Craig Fischer examines comic books in "Comics in the '90s: Screwy Business, Sublime Art." (Issue #2: Nov 96) Greg Wahl examines punk rockers The Clash and Rancid in "Roots Radicals: Punk and the Imagery of Nostalgia."
Grant Tracey examines the Narrative Tabloid of Samuel Fuller. (Issue #1: Aug 96) Craig Fischer writes an Open Letter to Bob Dole about those "nightmares of depravity" turned out by "Hollywood's dream factories." (Issue #1: Aug 96) Grant Tracey discusses an underappreciated comedy/drama starring John Wayne called Trouble Along the Way and examines the Duke's on and offscreen identities. (Issue #1: Aug 96) Toni Perrine examines "The Disease of Images" in Wim Wenders' Until the End of the World. (Issue #1: Aug 96) Steve Lipkin discusses docudramas in general and Quiz Show in particular. (Isssue #1: Aug 96)